Thursday, October 21, 2010

Buenos Aires

Well, all went well, got married and all that - headed off to Buenos Aires with my wife a few weeks ago for our honeymoon! Well, it's just great over there, we had an awesome time and took hundreds of photos, so this is more of a slideshow night for those interested!
We jumped the QF17, got the right seats and after a few movies had a snooze and woke up to an ok view out the window!

Our very cool hotel room

...with our own terrace!

hanging out around Palermo Soho

Plaza de Mayo

Casa Rosada (think evita)

We went for a wander down to San Telmo through the markets...

there's some sweet stuff for sale there!

One of the more odd attractions around town is the famous Recoleta Cemetery. It's home to the who's who of Argentina's past, a surprisingly neat place to wander around for an afternoon.

The place is like a mini city, full of crypts

...including hers...

For such a modern, cosmopolitan city, the coffee there sure sucked. Despite this, we still drank gallons! They sometimes did weird things like putting ground coffee on top. 

I loved how most of the city was full of tree lined, cobble-stoned streets, had a great feel to it, nice to walk around

mmm serrano.... droool

They've also got some sorta harbour precinct thingo happening here. Not much of a pulse, but nice to get some space. 

Before we left, we also caught a local football match - Argentinos Jnrs V Racing (Racing won 2-1). Well, the game was pretty much everything you'd expect from a soccer match in these parts! Note the novelty oversize stadium banner above - apparently it's the biggest in the world...

It's just not futball without riot police, nor a moat!

Stay tuned for more pics from Mendoza & Iguazu Falls, but after the soccer match, we headed home...

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